how to close assignments on google classroom

 As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Google Classroom has specific features and processes for managing assignments, but the ability to "close" assignments might not be a direct feature. However, you can control student access to assignments by modifying the assignment settings. Here's how you can do that:

Closing Access to an Assignment:

  1. Log in to Google Classroom:

    • Go to Google Classroom at and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Select the Class:

    • Click on the specific class where you want to close access to an assignment.
  3. Locate the Assignment:

    • Find the assignment that you want to "close." Click on the "Classwork" tab if you are not already there.
  4. Access Assignment Settings:

    • Click on the assignment title to open it. In the upper-right corner, you should see an options menu (three dots or "More"). Click on it to access assignment settings.
  5. Modify Assignment Settings:

    • Look for settings related to the assignment. You may find options like "Edit," "Assign," or "Settings." Explore these options to modify the assignment settings.
  6. Adjust Due Date and Time:

    • If you want to restrict access, you can modify the due date and time. Set a due date that has passed or a time that has already elapsed to close access to the assignment.
  7. Check Additional Settings:

    • Depending on your needs, check for additional settings related to assignment access. Google Classroom may have features like "Turn in" or "Unsubmit" that affect student submissions.
  8. Save Changes:

    • Once you have adjusted the settings, make sure to save the changes.


  • If you want to hide the assignment from students, you can also use the "Schedule" feature to post the assignment at a future date and time. Until the scheduled time, the assignment will not be visible to students.

  • Google Classroom features and interface may evolve, so it's advisable to check the official Google Classroom support or documentation for the most up-to-date information.

If your intention is different from what is described here as "closing," please provide more details about what you mean by "closing" assignments, and I'll do my best to assist you


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